root package

package root

Akka/Spray-based Dropbox API client

The main entry point is the asyncdbx.DbxClient. An instance of asyncdbx.DbxClient is linked to a single Dropbox account and provides access to the API.

import api._
val client = system.actorOf(Props[DbxClient])
client ! Authenticate(token)
client ! Account.GetInfo // => Response: Account.Info

The actor asyncdbx.DbxSync can be used to keep a local folder in sync with a given Dropbox account.

val sync = system.actorOf(DbxSync.props(client, "/tmp/dbx"))
// ... later ...
sync ! PoisenPoll
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. package akka

  2. package asyncdbx

    Akka/Spray-based Dropbox API client.
